Europe tours

Travelling to Europe through Mediterranean sea

Many Africans and some african countries both north and majorly all west and east africans has been taken the decision of life and death by going to Libya trying to cross the mediterranean sea. Meanwhile you can check How to get a Uk workpermit without job offer. On our related articles.

According to SImon Nwosu he has this to say about crossing to Libya ” I cannot try it. I would rather wait till I have the resources and the approval to go to Europe. People risking their lives all in the name of going to foreign countries are not financially capable that is why they indulge in such. I would say, people don’t just risk their lives because they want to go Europe; it is because things are not working out for them in in Africa and our government is not making situations better either. If things were working in Nigeria, I know people will not want to go by all means to foreign countries. I will urge the government to put a solution to this because it is becoming worrisome.”according to many Africans could not make it to the mediterranean sea, many even died on the desert

another migrant (BATU) who heals from SIERRA LEONE shares her ordeal have this to say.


“Life in Sierra Leone seems to be difficult because of  Ebola but that is not why I am here.”

I am married to a Lebanese man that I met in Sierra Leone after my first husband, with whom I had two boys, died 12 years ago. We had three more children together and at first, we had money but in 2012 we started struggling. So we went back to his family in Lebanon.

They didn’t like me. My father in law, my mother in law, his brothers and his sister all disliked me. They said that their son must not marry a black woman. When I gave birth to my children, they were darker than the Lebanese people, so his family hit me. We suffered a lot and even eating was a problem because my husband didn’t have a job.

Eventually they sent me back to Sierra Leone and allowed me to take only the youngest of my children with me, two year old Mohammed. I had no choice but to take him and leave the others behind.

Back in Kailahun, one of my friends told me his sister was in Libya and that I should go meet her. They gave me the number of a driver and soon I had borrowed enough money for the trip. The travel was difficult, we had very little food and the people along the way really harassed us. The men asked us to have sex with them, they did that to me many times. When they see you have a baby they ask you if you’re married and sometimes they leave you in peace. But the single girls … they do whatever they want to them and beat them if they refuse.

Once in Libya, I went to Tripoli but I had no money and I needed to find a job. I found a man who needed care and a housekeeper and I worked for him but for a black person it is not easy to live in Libya. If they see you in the streets they take everything from you, sometimes they beat you, kidnap you and even kill you. In the nights they shoot, shoot, shoot. People break into your house, take your money and all you have. They say that this is their country’s money and we have no right to have it. That’s why black people stick together, it is safer that way.

I had planned to stay in Libya but the conditions were so bad that after a month, I decided to go to Europe. The smugglers asked me for 1,200 dinars for the crossing, which is around 600 dollars, and took me to a place in the naked sun. One night they came to us and took us to the boat but the boat was made of rubber. We thought we would be rescued in an hour or two but after many hours the boat started losing air, everybody prayed and cried. Nobody thought that we would have survived but we continued praying. After a while we saw a helicopter, then we saw a plane and finally we saw a ship and were rescued.

In the future I want to go back to my children. I don’t know anyone in Europe. I have my sons Seita and Husman in Sierra Leone and Jad and Aloushe in Lebanon.”

another migrant zachariah has this to say

Zachariah who is a Lebanon has this to say

“Those of us who have come, have come this way because we have no other option.”

“My parents were forced from Palestine in 1947 and moved to Syr in Lebanon. I fled from there to Benghazi in Libya in 1994. I worked as a carpenter for over 20 years. But now Libya is in bad condition and I also have some physical problems. I can’t find medical help and I can’t work anymore.

Before Libya was very good but now, in Benghazi there are a lot of problems. There are many people with guns and many militias in Libya who all fight against each other and us small guys, Bangladeshis, Pakistanis, Palestinians, Ghanaians and other Africans are caught in the middle.

They come at you and ask how much money you have and take it all. They shoot you, they burn you, they slap you. They abuse your body and very violent. If you have a daughter and they see her in the road, and they like her, they will come at night and rape her in front of you. There are thieves everywhere – they took my car, my money, my documents but there’s nothing you can do. There’s no police, no army and there are no rules at all. Nobody can help you. The worst is in the streets, especially in the evening, from 6pm onwards, if you work late you meet a lot of bad people on the way back home. You never know what they will do.

One year ago, I made the decision to take my family to Europe but being Palestinians, we had document problems and it was impossible to leave. Those of us, who have come, have come this way because we have no other option. The rest of my family is still in Benghazi, but there was not enough money for all of us to leave.

When I first got into the boat I thought I would die. But I thought, look, if God decides that I will die at sea, I will die at sea. Now, I want to go to Sweden or to Norway.”

some died trying to cross the sea, even some died at the desert .some successful ones who succeeded will always considered themselves very lucky.

bbc documentary talking about the danger of travelling to EU through the SEA

AFRICANS DIED DAILY TRYING TO CROSS MEDITERRANEAN SEA , As seen below is video of a nigerian man rejoicing after successfully crossing to europe.


NIGERIANS DIED DAILY TRYING TO CROSS MEDITERRANEAN SEA , As seen below is video of a nigerian man rejoicing after successfully crossing to europe.

Nigerian Man rejoicing after crossing over to Mediterranean sea

There may be more migrants dying in the Sahara Desert than at sea. The Sahara Desert is a huge ungoverned region, and there are many criminal gangs and bandits who attack and kidnap migrants or rob them of their belongings.

The journey through the desert can take weeks. The terrain is difficult, and the temperatures are very high during the day so cars can break down, leaving migrants stranded in the desert.

In this situation, or if cars get lost, migrants can die of starvation and from the heat. Sometimes migrants suffocate and die in the back of trucks and their bodies are Are not discovered until the truck is unloaded in Libya. People also die falling out of overcrowded trucks. Migrants regularly report passing dead bodies on the journey.

There have been numerous official reports of hundreds of corpses being found in the Sahara. The number is likely to be higher, but nobody knows, because the desert is so large and has no roads. Many migrants’ bodies become buried in sand and are never found.

according to uche, “On our way from Niger to Saba, our vehicle had a breakdown in the desert. We were with two Nigerian women in the vehicle, and the driver told us all to come down and push the vehicle. The women said they were women and the sun was hot so they should be excused. The driver stabbed both of them to death.”

A migrant returnee said.

Recently the military have started patrolling the main routes to the Libyan border, and there are thousands of cases of migrants being abandoned in the Sahara by drivers who fear going to jail.

Majors putting up by UE to stop illegal migration through Libya

  1. Training of Libyan coast guards Libyan coast guards started to receive training from the EU in 2016. EU leaders agreed in February 2017 to provide more training, equipment and support to the Libyan national coast guard.This training was initially delivered through Operation Sophia. This used to be the EU’s anti-smuggling operation in the Mediterranean.The objective of the training was to improve security in Libyan territorial waters and to save lives at sea. Operation Sophia ended its activities at the end of March 2020.

2) Protection and assistance for migrants and asylum seekers

Migrants and asylum seekers embark on long and perilous journeys trying to reach Europe.

  • provide humanitarian assistance and improve living conditions
  • enable migrants to voluntarily return home
  • resettle people in need of international protection

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