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Top tourist center in Ghana

Ghana is a country in West Africa. The capital of Ghana is Accra, with a population of about 2 million. The official languages are English Ga-Adangbe, but the most common language is Twi, a group of related languages spoken by coastal people. The economy depends mainly on agriculture and fishing.

There are various tourist places you can visit while visiting ghana. Ghana has been one the beautiful countries in African.

Here is one the magnificant places you can visit while touring ghana.

kwame Nkruma memorial pack.

kwame nkruma is a very important figure in the history of Ghana, he was a Ghanaian politician, political theorist, and revolutionary. He was the first Prime Minister and President of Ghana, he led ghana to independence in the year 1957.The Mausoleum is the final resting place of Ghana’s first President and Africanist. The museum hosts rare artefacts relating to Ghana’s independence and tours at the park give visitors in-depth history of the Sub-saharan struggle for independence

Ghana Boti Fall.

Boti falls is a twin waterfall located at Boti in the Eastern Region of Ghana. its course from a river known locally as Ponmpon. It was discovered by a white Roman catholic priest. There are actually two falls at Boti: The upper falls and the lower falls.

Boti is a seasonal falls is a double side-by-side falls during the high flow and at the bottom of 250 concrete steps. During full flow you are surrounded in a canyon of falling water. It can be found in the forest of Huhunya. The larger one is mythically believed to be the male and the smaller one the female. According to the local folks, when the two merge, a rainbow is formed. It is usually said that these rivers are mating when this happens.

A visit to Boti is actually a three-in-one pack: the umbrella rock, the three-headed palm tree and, of course, the falls themselves. It is the most visited falls in the Eastern Region.

lake Volta.

This is the world’s largest man-made lake. 

The setting is breathtaking and a must-see for anybody visiting Ghana. 

The lake developed when the Akosombo dam was built across the Volta River. 

It also encompasses 3.6% of Ghana’s land area. 

The Dodi Island can be visited while visiting the area. 

People can fish in certain areas of the lake or take a trip to the dam. 

Exotic and expensive hotels have been built near the lake to host guests who want to spend quality time in the natural retreat.

The lake was produced by the Akosombo Dam, which was designed by geologist Albert Ernest Kitson in 1915 but did not begin construction until 1961, with completion in 1965. Owing of the construction of Lake Volta, around 78,000 people were transferred to new cities and villages, along with 200,000 animals. Around 120 structures were destroyed, not including small residences, and over 7,800 km2 (3,000 sq mi) of land was flooded.

Labadi Beach

Labadi, Ghana’s most popular beach, is sometimes referred to as the “ideal city beach” by both visitors and residents. Aside from sunbathing and lounging on the sands, one can enjoy the delicious food and cocktails available at the many local eateries here. Because the beach is essentially the property of the neighboring hotels, there is a small entrance fee to gain access. On weekends, you’ll almost certainly be able to catch some local entertainment, such as native drumming, local reggae bands, dancing, and music. It’s one of the best spots to visit in Ghana, Africa, to see how Ghanaian culture blends with hip hop and other Western dance and music forms.

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